Details of the Quiz
The Organisation :
Aryabhat Foundation is a dedicated endeavor for promotion of Astronomy and Basic Science. The movement started in 1995, which took shape as a registered social service organisation. Backed by a group of people dedicated to their duties towards society, the organisation is committed to make learning Basic Science enjoyable for youngsters, thus inculcating a science-based temperament in them.
The Program :
Astronomy is a thrilling hobby for all age groups. It also makes a strong platform for youngsters aspiring for an exciting career in space technology. Aryabhat Astronomy Quiz is aimed at developing the interest of the school students in this field through practical exposure. The quiz is a two-tier competition consisting of a preliminary test followed by a practical examination. The preliminary test is a cream-separation exercise conducted on a digital platform. Selected participants will qualify for the secondary level by merit in the preliminary test. These participants will be offered training in telescope-operation, sky reading and practical Astronomy at our Bhopal Centre. The lodging-boarding will be free for participants availing night camps, but no TA/DA will be paid at any stage. Those who fail to attend the training will not be included for the secondary level. The secondary level examination will be held on Saturday 20 December 2025. This test is meant to examine the ability of the participants in practical Astronomy. Final winners will be selected on their overall performance.
Eligibility :
Students from class 6 to class 9 (both inclusive) from any school situated in Madhya Pradesh are eligible to take part in the quiz. Students availing home-schooling in the given class range and permanently residing in Madhya Pradesh are also eligible.
Entry Fee :
Waived for all participants. No charges will be there for practical training as well.
Preliminary Test :
The preliminary Quiz consists of questions on basic Astronomy & Space Science. Each participant is offered 20 objective type questions to be answered in 180 seconds. A correct answer will fetch five marks and two marks will be deducted for the wrong one. The final score will appear on-screen as soon as any participant finishes the test. For individual participants, the preliminary Quiz will be available online on the allotted date and time. For institutional participants, the Quiz will be offered on the school’s computers on a date and time settled with the school. In addition, Aryabhat would also conduct the Preliminary Test at common test centres. Any participant can take the Quiz only once.
System Requirement
The quiz can run on all normal computers. Individual participants can also take the Quiz on touch screen mobile phones.
The Prizes :
The final winners of the quiz shall visit the observatory of their choice from those at Dongla, Kavalur, Kodaikanal, Nainital and Udaipur & Mount Abu in small groups. Observatories will be allotted to winners based on overall merit and their choice-options. The trips to Observatories shall proceed in next summers.
How to prepare :
The questions in the quiz are based on Astronomy, Space & related science. Participants must acquire a good knowledge of the Solar System, Deep Sky Objects & General Astronomy. Senior students of Aryabhat have compiled specific Study Material and Demo Quiz which will be available on our website.
How to participate :
Institutions shall send the particulars of their students to us by email. The format for sending entries is available on our website. Individual participants shall register for the Quiz using their mobile number and email ID on the Portal given on our website. For individual participants, the mobile number will be used as login-ID, hence cannot be changed. The relevant date-line is given below :-
Institutional Registration | 1 April to 25 July 2025 |
Individual Registration | 20 June to 25 July 2025 |
Attempting of Online Quiz | 1 August to 6 August 2025 |
Conducting of Quiz for Institutions / Common Centres | 7 August to 3 September 2025 |
Secondary Level Examination | 20 December 2025 |
The institutions will receive the list of Roll Numbers and date intimation by email. The schools, in turn, will inform their students accordingly.
The individual participants will receive intimation by SMS and eMail upon submitting data on the portal. The date-time slots will be intimated to the individual participants by email / message.
Participants can access the Study Material on our website. The participants shall attempt the Quiz on the allotted date and time.
Contact information
Aryabhat Foundation
S-1, Swapnil Apartment VIII 258, Trilanga, Shahpura, Bhopal 462039
Phone : 9425674075, 9425631310
mail :
website :
Quiz Coordinator
Alok Mandavgane +91 9425631310, +91 8225855428